Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Naughty, naughty, naughty! :3 Truth hurts ;D

Helmer: I'll believe. Tell me! Transform ourselves to the point that?
Nora: That our living together could be a true marriage. [She goes out down that hall.]
Helmer:[Sinks down on a chair by the door, face buried in his hands.] Nora! Nora! [Looking about and rising.] Empty. She's gone. [A sudden hope leaps in him.] The greatest miracle-?
[Helmer rises and marches towards the door.] She's my wife and I love her. She is not going to get away that easily!
Helmer: [Yells as he opens the front door.] Nor- [Quickly closes the door but is still open enough for him to see outside]
Nora: Alright Dr. Rank. I'm ready.
Dr. Rank: Ah! Wonderful! I'm glad he finally found out. I was getting impatient of pretending to not love you around him.
Nora: Oh Dr. Rank, now we won't have to worry about him anymore. So, How much did you hear?
Dr. Rank: I heard the whole thing ever since I left! Such good acting skills you have acquired!
Nora: Oh Doctor! ;)
Dr. Rank: Now my beautiful, we can forever be proud of our love! Free of unloved marriages, children, and dumb mistakes.
[Helmer gasps]
Nora: No, the forged signature was no mistake. I though I loved him and I wanted to save his life but apparently that's wrong.
Dr. Rank: Don't fret any longer my sweet, tell you what! Why don't we go and eat some macaroons! Just to lift your spirits because in love with me or not, what you did in there had to be hard.
Nora: Yeah, thanks :3
Dr. Rank: Anything for my love. [They start to walk away but Nora stops him and gazes into his eyes.]
Nora: Thank you most of all for not treating me like a child and visiting me everyday in that wretched house until I was set free. [They kiss and Helmer slams the door open.]
Helmer: I've heard enough!
Nora: Torvald!
Helmer: Shutup you vile woman! Dr. Rank, my dearest friend and Nora , my love of my life, why would you too do this to me?
Dr. Rank: Because it's all about work for you! You never once stopped and thought of someone other than yourself! You're a selfish husband and doesn't deserve such a ravishing woman like Nora! She risked a lot for you but you didn't except that.
Helmer: You know what. Take her.
Nora and Rank: Huh?
Helmer: Did i studder? Take her. If she was really worth it, she wouldn't have cheated on me. Also, she's dumb anyway! So what, she did me a favor but if she really knew me, she would of known damn well she shouldn't of done that. Plus I saw that whole stocking thing in the kitchen. Nora you're no longer worth my time. [Starts walking towards the house.]
Nora: Torvald!
Helmer: [turns around to look at her] What?
Nora: Can I at least have a hug? As our final good-bye?
Helmer:[Thinks] Sure. Fine. Whatever. [Nora walks towards him and they embrace. They hold each other tight then Helmer whispers] I'm going to do something you have done to me tonight.
Nora: Wha-!
[blood hits the soft white snow as it dips off her back]
Helmer: Stab you in the back.
[Helmer walks up to Dr. Rank]
Helmer: Look Rank-
Rank: Don't come close to me!!!!! I can't live on this planet anymore!
 [Then Dr. Rank looks over Nora, takes the knife in her back and stabs him in the chest. Once Dr. Rank bled out Helmer picked up his knife and wiped off the blood with Nora's shawl.]
                                    *The Next Day*
[Helmer comes outside to open his letter box and the bodies have been removed from his yard. He gets the newspaper that says Nora Helmer and Dr. Rank committed suicide together.]
Helmer: In a few days, I'm going to have my new job and nothing can stop me now. No one can come between me and my honor!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Looks like the sands of Time aren't just running out for Dr. Rank ;)

Well, well, well isn't Nora quite the ravishing and scandalous character! Tisk, tisk, tisk, she'll do just about anything just so Torvald won't figure out the truth. As we all know, our little songbird has borrowed money from the wrong person and forged a signature! You'd think a person her age would realize things like that were wrong. Also, Torvald thinks borrowing money is dirty and who knows what he'd do if he found out she forged a signature. So, in order for Nora to keep her dirty little secret, she has tried to find a few ways to avoid the truth from being shown.

First, Nora tried to flirt with Dr. Rank, just so he'd give her money. Turns out Dr. Rank had a thing for Nora. Nora even said "Flesh coloured-stockings, aren't they lovely? The light's bad in here now, but tomorrow... No,no,no you must only look at the feet. Oh well, you may see the rest, too." (193)  She even said " You shan't see another thing- you've been very naughty." ;) After teasing him in the dark, he confessed his love for her. Luckily, she had some kind of moral left and refused to ask for the money. However, after him, Nora thought she had no other hope left. She actually thought about committing suicide. Krogstad persuaded her not to because there would be no point. Now, she is acting like a complete scatter brain, just for her darling Torvald. She's pretending she does not remember the Tarrentella just so Torvald won't look into his letter box to receive the message Krogstad left for him, writing about what Nora has done. "Torvald, criticize me like you always do." Nora told him. Looks like Nora is quite the liar and does not have a lot of time left. I wonder how would it have been different if she just told Torvald what happened from the very start? If you were Nora what would you do after the Tarentella is over? 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't eat too many macaroons! They'll spoil your teeth ;)

"Is that my little skylark twittering out there?" Torvald says to Nora. Finishing Act One of A Doll's House makes you think a lot about Nora. Nora is married trophy wife of three children and is like putty in Torvald's hands. Torvald calls her things like scatterbrained and feather headed. Even though these can be seen as cute pet names they also imply that she's not the brightest crayon in the box if you know what I mean. :/ He also tells Nora she's "just like a woman". Due to her and her continuous new ideas and she rambles on and on and never quits talking. Torvald also tells her to watch herself and to stay out of trouble especially with borrowing money. Torvald, with a fiery passion, absolutely dislikes when people borrow money because he finds it disgusting and thinks it'll poison the household and even the children.

When Nora hears about how much Torvald hates people who borrow she freaks out. She borrowed money and now she's a mess because she doesn't want to mess up her and Torvald's relationship. Basically, Nora is all hyper and sneaky when she doesn't think that she'll get in trouble but when she finally realizes the consequences , she's trapped in a corner and doesn't know what to do! She's so naive. I would never hide anything from my love, no matter what. How will she get out of trouble? Will Torvald ever find out about her naughty borrowing? Who knows? Until we read Act Two.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

With Every Strong Title, Holds a Stronger Meaning.

I am Kieyara Shields and I enjoy English class. What I like most about it is the conversations we have there and learning fun ways to create poems! Lately we've been learning about the author of a play we will soon be reading. The author's name is Hendrik Ibsen. He was born March 20, 1828. It'll be his 184th birthday coming up soon! He was also a Norwegian playwright, theater director, and poet. He made his plays scandalous and there is a deep meaning behind why. 

Hendrik's father, Knud Ibsen, had become a merchant received great success from it. However, when Henrik was around seven years old, his father went bankrupt and that took a enormous toll on him. Henrik's father became moody and embittered until he turned to alcoholism while his mom remained lovable and gentle. Hendrik's plays reflected from his parents and the financial difficulty they had faced. The play that we will be reading is called "A Doll's House" and in the play it discusses how finances can effect characters and 
"The need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is to strive to become that person." 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blogging hmmmm?

Just testing how this works:
Kieyara will defeat Jennica :3
Just saying!