Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't eat too many macaroons! They'll spoil your teeth ;)

"Is that my little skylark twittering out there?" Torvald says to Nora. Finishing Act One of A Doll's House makes you think a lot about Nora. Nora is married trophy wife of three children and is like putty in Torvald's hands. Torvald calls her things like scatterbrained and feather headed. Even though these can be seen as cute pet names they also imply that she's not the brightest crayon in the box if you know what I mean. :/ He also tells Nora she's "just like a woman". Due to her and her continuous new ideas and she rambles on and on and never quits talking. Torvald also tells her to watch herself and to stay out of trouble especially with borrowing money. Torvald, with a fiery passion, absolutely dislikes when people borrow money because he finds it disgusting and thinks it'll poison the household and even the children.

When Nora hears about how much Torvald hates people who borrow she freaks out. She borrowed money and now she's a mess because she doesn't want to mess up her and Torvald's relationship. Basically, Nora is all hyper and sneaky when she doesn't think that she'll get in trouble but when she finally realizes the consequences , she's trapped in a corner and doesn't know what to do! She's so naive. I would never hide anything from my love, no matter what. How will she get out of trouble? Will Torvald ever find out about her naughty borrowing? Who knows? Until we read Act Two.


Kieyara ;D said...

i commented on Greyson's, Katora's, and Alysha B's! :3

D-parrish doll house said...

this is a great essay i love how you included two quotes. She had a strong feeling on how Nora and Helmer.