Sunday, March 25, 2012

Looks like the sands of Time aren't just running out for Dr. Rank ;)

Well, well, well isn't Nora quite the ravishing and scandalous character! Tisk, tisk, tisk, she'll do just about anything just so Torvald won't figure out the truth. As we all know, our little songbird has borrowed money from the wrong person and forged a signature! You'd think a person her age would realize things like that were wrong. Also, Torvald thinks borrowing money is dirty and who knows what he'd do if he found out she forged a signature. So, in order for Nora to keep her dirty little secret, she has tried to find a few ways to avoid the truth from being shown.

First, Nora tried to flirt with Dr. Rank, just so he'd give her money. Turns out Dr. Rank had a thing for Nora. Nora even said "Flesh coloured-stockings, aren't they lovely? The light's bad in here now, but tomorrow... No,no,no you must only look at the feet. Oh well, you may see the rest, too." (193)  She even said " You shan't see another thing- you've been very naughty." ;) After teasing him in the dark, he confessed his love for her. Luckily, she had some kind of moral left and refused to ask for the money. However, after him, Nora thought she had no other hope left. She actually thought about committing suicide. Krogstad persuaded her not to because there would be no point. Now, she is acting like a complete scatter brain, just for her darling Torvald. She's pretending she does not remember the Tarrentella just so Torvald won't look into his letter box to receive the message Krogstad left for him, writing about what Nora has done. "Torvald, criticize me like you always do." Nora told him. Looks like Nora is quite the liar and does not have a lot of time left. I wonder how would it have been different if she just told Torvald what happened from the very start? If you were Nora what would you do after the Tarentella is over? 


Anonymous Greene said...

Just cant get over that part can you. Well Ther is a lot of drama going on with them...

Kieyara ;D said...

Yep! lol why are you Anonymous? anyway i commented on Greyson's, Nadja's and Jennica's blogs

Robert said...

If I were Nora, I would've confessed to Torvald about what happened and hope that his chauvinistic thoughts won't get in the way of what he may be ACTUALLY be thinking and/or feeling.

Greyson said...

Get over the stockings part! Anyway, I honestly think Torvald wouldn't have cared if Nora told him or not. He'd be too caught up in the thought of what she'd done rather than how he found out.

Anonymous said...

Since ya commented on mine if I was Nora I would've walked out the. House after confessing to helmer but nooo she didn't do that