Thursday, March 8, 2012

With Every Strong Title, Holds a Stronger Meaning.

I am Kieyara Shields and I enjoy English class. What I like most about it is the conversations we have there and learning fun ways to create poems! Lately we've been learning about the author of a play we will soon be reading. The author's name is Hendrik Ibsen. He was born March 20, 1828. It'll be his 184th birthday coming up soon! He was also a Norwegian playwright, theater director, and poet. He made his plays scandalous and there is a deep meaning behind why. 

Hendrik's father, Knud Ibsen, had become a merchant received great success from it. However, when Henrik was around seven years old, his father went bankrupt and that took a enormous toll on him. Henrik's father became moody and embittered until he turned to alcoholism while his mom remained lovable and gentle. Hendrik's plays reflected from his parents and the financial difficulty they had faced. The play that we will be reading is called "A Doll's House" and in the play it discusses how finances can effect characters and 
"The need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is to strive to become that person." 


Mrs. C. Santos said...

Your math is wrong. Ibsen will NOT be 174 on March 20th. :o

jennica :] said...

lol haha i know your mad ! :] i love you <3