Helmer: I'll believe. Tell me! Transform ourselves to the point that?
Nora: That our living together could be a true marriage. [She goes out down that hall.]
Helmer:[Sinks down on a chair by the door, face buried in his hands.] Nora! Nora! [Looking about and rising.] Empty. She's gone. [A sudden hope leaps in him.] The greatest miracle-?
[Helmer rises and marches towards the door.] She's my wife and I love her. She is not going to get away that easily!
Helmer: [Yells as he opens the front door.] Nor- [Quickly closes the door but is still open enough for him to see outside]
Nora: Alright Dr. Rank. I'm ready.
Dr. Rank: Ah! Wonderful! I'm glad he finally found out. I was getting impatient of pretending to not love you around him.
Nora: Oh Dr. Rank, now we won't have to worry about him anymore. So, How much did you hear?
Dr. Rank: I heard the whole thing ever since I left! Such good acting skills you have acquired!
Nora: Oh Doctor! ;)
Dr. Rank: Now my beautiful, we can forever be proud of our love! Free of unloved marriages, children, and dumb mistakes.
[Helmer gasps]
Nora: No, the forged signature was no mistake. I though I loved him and I wanted to save his life but apparently that's wrong.
Dr. Rank: Don't fret any longer my sweet, tell you what! Why don't we go and eat some macaroons! Just to lift your spirits because in love with me or not, what you did in there had to be hard.
Nora: Yeah, thanks :3
Dr. Rank: Anything for my love. [They start to walk away but Nora stops him and gazes into his eyes.]
Nora: Thank you most of all for not treating me like a child and visiting me everyday in that wretched house until I was set free. [They kiss and Helmer slams the door open.]
Helmer: I've heard enough!
Nora: Torvald!
Helmer: Shutup you vile woman! Dr. Rank, my dearest friend and Nora , my love of my life, why would you too do this to me?
Dr. Rank: Because it's all about work for you! You never once stopped and thought of someone other than yourself! You're a selfish husband and doesn't deserve such a ravishing woman like Nora! She risked a lot for you but you didn't except that.
Helmer: You know what. Take her.
Nora and Rank: Huh?
Helmer: Did i studder? Take her. If she was really worth it, she wouldn't have cheated on me. Also, she's dumb anyway! So what, she did me a favor but if she really knew me, she would of known damn well she shouldn't of done that. Plus I saw that whole stocking thing in the kitchen. Nora you're no longer worth my time. [Starts walking towards the house.]
Nora: Torvald!
Helmer: [turns around to look at her] What?
Nora: Can I at least have a hug? As our final good-bye?
Helmer:[Thinks] Sure. Fine. Whatever. [Nora walks towards him and they embrace. They hold each other tight then Helmer whispers] I'm going to do something you have done to me tonight.
Nora: Wha-!
[blood hits the soft white snow as it dips off her back]
Helmer: Stab you in the back.
[Helmer walks up to Dr. Rank]
Helmer: Look Rank-
Rank: Don't come close to me!!!!! I can't live on this planet anymore!
[Then Dr. Rank looks over Nora, takes the knife in her back and stabs him in the chest. Once Dr. Rank bled out Helmer picked up his knife and wiped off the blood with Nora's shawl.]
*The Next Day*
[Helmer comes outside to open his letter box and the bodies have been removed from his yard. He gets the newspaper that says Nora Helmer and Dr. Rank committed suicide together.]
Helmer: In a few days, I'm going to have my new job and nothing can stop me now. No one can come between me and my honor!
First Post by Tuesday, 11:59PM
9 years ago
It was intresting, and i bet Torvald would have been that angry if he found out Dr.Rank's feelings for Nora.
LOL!!!! ok first, i was going to let Dr. Rank live too, but it took too much of my brain juice away...second, roflmbo: did i sudder, i dont know why but i found that hilary!!! Anyways good alternate ending, alot diferent from mine but it is amazeballs!!!!
;) luv ya
p.s. this might be our last blog :'(
that was sooooo good lol
I loveeeddd ittt <3
love how dr.rank and nora secretly loved each other
Great job
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